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Ten Top Tips for Finding the Perfect Bangkok condo

Posted by niveth-admin on January 9, 2020
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Whether you’re renting or buying a condo in Bangkok, here are some top tips to help you find the perfect pad.


1. Budget

Work out a reasonable monthly budget before you start viewing condos.  Set up a budget to include an estimate of bills and extra condo charges.  Remember to bear in mind how your budget will shift according to what your condo includes.  If it doesn’t include monthly bills and utilities you need to take this into consideration.


2. Variety

When you are looking for your dream condo, try to view a variety of styles.  Visit condos with or without a gym or swimming pool and look in a differing security options.


3. Check out local transport

Ensure you have looked into public transport, particularly if you do not have your own transport.  Research local trains, BTS stations, river taxis and buses.  Try to use as many of these types of transport as you can at the busiest times of day.  It is also advisable to try out the commute to work to avoid any unforeseen nightmares.



4. Research

Spend time researching the area.  It is advisable to rent a hotel or guesthouse near to your desired condo to get a proper feel for the area.  Visit local restaurants, bars and parks and find out what the area is like at nighttimes as well as in the day.  Also check to see if there are any weekly markets or events on that could cause havoc in accessing your home.


5. Times of day

Try to visit any condos you are seriously considering at different times of day.  Remember, Bangkok can be a very different place by night and you want to avoid any nasty surprises.  A hidden nightclub blaring an undesired brand of techno all night long isn’t serendipitous when you are trying to sleep.  It is also savvy to see how the area changes during rush hour.


6. Prepare

When trying to find the perfect Bangkok condo you cannot cover every eventuality in person but you can do your research.  It is, for instance, impossible to visit your future home at varying times of year but it is easy to deduce that any southern facing homes will be light but also hot during the summer months.


7. Minutes

Condo residents have meetings.  Ask your landlord or estate agent if you can have a look at the minutes of the last meeting.  You should be able to check for any pitfalls in current resident’s gripes and moans.  Is the block well maintained?  Is the garden attended to?  Do security precautions work as they’re meant to?


8. Survey

Try to keep your wits about you and survey the condo.  If the apartment smells damp or you spot mould in the bathroom you may want to negotiate the price or ensure any drawbacks are fixed before you sign on the dotted line.


9. Look at the view

Bangkok’s high-rise skyline looks stunning by night and it’s something to take advantage of.  Generally, the higher up the condo, the better the view.


10. Neighbours

Buying or renting a bangkok condo is to have a share in a larger building with joint responsibilities.  It’s tricky to find out if your neighbours are sound of mind before committing, but you can introduce yourself and at least see if they seem like a friendly bunch.  They can be a useful source of information on the local area and will probably give you an honest appraisal on any drawbacks that others may have neglected to mention.  You never know, you might just meet your new best friends.


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