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Retiring in Thailand – Is it for You?

Posted by niveth-admin on January 9, 2020
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You can turn your retirement into a new and exciting chapter of your life by retiring abroad.


Thailand has become a popular destination in Asia in this regard. Right off the bat, Thailand has many pluses for seniors looking to add some spice to their retirement life. For one, the city life in Bangkok is luxurious and quite exciting, not to mention, quite affordable for retirees working with a restrictive budget.


Below is a more detailed checklist of things you should take into consideration as you retire in Bangkok. The guide will help you determine whether retiring to Thailand is for you.


Culture Shock

Thailand is quite an exotic destination, particularly when you are coming from a Western way of life.


The social life in Thailand is quite different in a number of ways. For instance, living alone is frowned upon, and work life is also quite relaxed.


Therefore, if you decide to make Thailand your retirement destination, you must be ready to start to accept this culture as well.



If you need to retire in a country with high quality healthcare, then Thailand is definitely one of the best places to be. For one, hospital bills are much lower and the quality of healthcare is top-range.


As a growing destination for overseas medical treatment, Thailand is a good place to spend your retirement if expensive healthcare will be a very important part of your retirement life.


Live in Relative Luxury

It is estimated that a certain lifestyle in Thailand costs a third of its equivalent in the West.


If a decent retirement in places such as Europe, US, and Australia is something you might not afford, moving to Thailand will substantially upgrade in your quality of life. You can live on much less and have much more luxuries at your disposal for much less money.


There are many luxuries in Thailand. Sure, many of them may not equal those present in Western countries, but they will offer a decently luxurious life that you could not afford in a developed country.


Consequently, if you can’t enjoy the luxuries of the West and would like to have some luxury in your life, then a Thailand retirement might be precisely what you need.


If you can afford the luxuries available in the West, then Thailand might not seem like a prime retirement destination.


The Climate

If you are willing to spend your retirement in a warm tropical climate, then a Thailand retirement is for you, especially if you are trying to escape from cold climates and snow common in places such as Europe and some parts of America.


The warm weather is available all year round, which means you can spend your retirement out and about having fun visiting the beautiful sceneries the country has to offer and also enjoying its numerous luxuries.



There are many reasons to retire in Thailand: world-class healthcare, relative luxury, great tropical climate, and an exciting exotic culture. If you feel that your retirement budget is a little restrictive for a decent life in the West, then Thailand is a superb destination.


You will spend less than half as much, which means you will enjoy the luxuries you would otherwise have to give up. The life is quite decent, and you will definitely enjoy this important chapter of your life.


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